Road trip Wednesday

The best book I read this month

I’ve read a lot of books this month. I’ve read a lot of books this year, actually, way more than average. Cover your ears, those of you who don’t like TMI things, but I swear to you breastfeeding does wonders for your book queue. Unless you’re one of those people who likes to gaze lovingly into your baby’s eyes for hours on end, in which case never mind.

Damn, does that make me sound like a bad mother? How about if I clarify? I like to gaze lovingly into my daughter’s eyes, but for like 2 minutes tops. They’re grey-green. Nothing’s going to change if I read a book for 10 minutes.

Anyhow, the best book I read this month is ……. drumroll, please ……

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. I’ve been wanting to read this one forever, and I am glad I finally did. It tells the story of Junior, a 14-year-old high school freshman who leaves the reservation school to attend public school in a neighboring town. He’s labeled a traitor by his tribe, loses his best friend and struggles to fit in at the “white school.”

This book is equal parts belly-graspingly hilarious and tear-jerkingly sad. Whoa with the adjectives there. At 14, Junior has seen more tragedy in his life than most people see over the course of their entire lives, but the book is surprisingly upbeat. And hilarious, did I mention that? I love reading a book that can evoke a wide range of emotions, and this one has it. You can’t help but root for Junior while at the same time feeling anger at the unfair hand life’s dealt him.

This book has been out for a few years now, but if you haven’t read it yet, do!

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