The perfect storm

From WebMD:*

Overview and Facts

Mommy brain (n.) — State of perplexity, bewilderment or confusion; direct result of having a child tumble forth out of one’s uterus

Writer brain (n.) — State of perplexity, bewilderment or confusion; direct result of having hundreds of character names, plot points and lines of dialogue bouncing around in one’s head
Suffering from one of these afflictions is annoying; suffering from both can be debilitating, albeit it highly entertaining to those around you.

Ask yourself the following questions:
  1. Have you ever taken a sip from your mug to find it’s filled with prune juice, only to then discover you’ve poured coffee into your child’s rice cereal?
  2. Have you ever called your dog by the name of one of your characters?
  3. Have you ever been thisclose to dropping your writer’s notebook down the library return box?
  4. Have you ever tried to change the channel on the remote by typing in the PIN number to your ATM card?
If you answered yes to any one of these questions, you might be suffering from both mommy brain/writer brain syndrome. More tests are necessary. Please consult with your healthcare provider. If you answered yes to all of them, you’re pretty much screwed.
Treatment Options

There is only one legitimately recognized treatment for the combination mommy brain/writer brain affliction. Put the kid(s) to bed and open a bottle of wine. Alcohol isn’t going to make anything worse at this point.
*Ok, fine, this isn’t really from WebMD.
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