1. Immortal Beloved

One of my New Years resolutions (which I really don’t ever make but figured “Why the heck not?” after seeing everyone else make them … I guess I’m a sheep—baaaah!) was to write a review for every book I read in 2011. We’re kicking things off with IMMORTAL BELOVED.
My novel, FOUR STONES, is about immortal teenagers who travel throughout hundreds of years of history. So, naturally, when I read a quick blurb about IMMORTAL BELOVED, which described it as the story of an immortal teenager who’s stumbled through 400 years of history, my first thought was ‘SON OF A BISCUIT!! Noooooooooo!!!!!!‘ It was with great hesitation that I picked up a copy and started reading because I was terrified of what I was going to find. It only took a few pages to realize the book is very different from mine (whew!), and not only that—it’s awesome. Seriously. I loved this book.
It centers on Nastasya, a 400-year-old party girl who checks herself into an immortal rehab center after witnessing her (also immortal) best friend torture and nearly kill a mortal cab driver for kicks one night. It’s at the center, River’s Edge, that she learns to use the “good” magic of the immortals. She also meets the mysterious Reyn, a so-described “Viking God” who instantly makes her heart pang. Reyn looks familiar to Nastasya, but she can’t figure out where she knows him from. Add to that, someone at River’s Edge wants her dead, and she has no idea who … or why. This book has it all—romance, mystery, European history, and one heck of a well-built world.
IMMORTAL BELOVED is the first in a trilogy, and—fair warning—it’s a true trilogy. There are a lot a lot of unanswered questions and open plot points, so my only quibble is that now I have to wait until September to read the next installment. Unfair!
Have you read IMMORTAL BELOVED? Did you love it as much as I did?
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