Why hello there, 2011

You’ve snuck up on me. I was just talking with a friend the other day how the new year has never felt like a fresh start for me, like a chance to grab the bulls by the horns, spout off a few more cliches, and effect a change in my life. Rather, the new year has always meant … more of the same, I guess. I never really make resolutions, but I’m going to try this year and see where it takes me.

So here we go! In 2011, I resolve to:
1. FINALLY finish the YA historical fantasy I’ve proclaimed finished on this blog at least twice now. No more “Oh wait, I need to change this!” Or “Hang on, this part isn’t quite working.” NO. I will finish the damn thing, send it out and move on.
2. Write a complete draft of the YA contemporary that has taken up residence in my brain and refused to budge.
3. Write a review (be it long-winded or blurbish) of every book I read this year.
4. Stop being so damn hard on myself. It’s ok if I make mistakes. It’s ok if I’m not perfect. I will remind myself that tripping up is how I’m going to learn and grow, both as a writer and as a person.
So there we go. My resolutions. What about you? Did you make any? Have you broken any yet?
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