You can’t always be the prom queen

I’ve noticed a lot of posts lately on building a blog and/or Twitter following. A lot of these offer tips, a la “Ten Reasons Why You Didn’t Get a Follow Back.” But missing from every one of these lists (or at least the ones I’ve seen) is what, in my mind, is the number one reason people didn’t subscribe to your blog or choose to follow you back on twitter:

*whispers* They’re just not that into you. *whispers*

And you know what? That’s okay. We can’t expect everyone to like us. We’re writers. We have to know that we’re not going to please every single reader out there. So I say we quit wasting our time and energy obsessing over who didn’t follow us back and why, and focus that energy onto the people who do like us and what we have to say. Because that’s what really matters!

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Posted in Social Media

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