Oh hey! How’ve you been? What’s new?

Hi blog friends! I realized it’s been a while since I talked about things that are going on in my life, both professionally and personally, so I figured I’d take a quick second to do that and then you can tell me what’s going on with you and then we’ll be all caught up. Sounds good? I’ll go first.

1. Four Stones is out on submission with publishers. Most of my friends who’ve been through the process before warned me that being out on sub is much more nerve-wracking than querying, to which I was all PSSHAW! because nothing is more nerve-wracking than querying, right? Except they were right. Being out on sub is eleventy times more nerve-wracking than querying, and it’s also a slower process (at least I think it is), which just adds to the anxiety. If you haven’t yet, you should read this post by Natalie Whipple about being on submission. It’s pretty spot-on, especially the “Your Mental State” bit. I feel like my life is an alternating series of I ROCK, no wait, I SUCK episodes.

2. The new WIP is chugging along nicely. The lovely Alicia recommended I make a chart documenting my progress, and I must hand it to Alicia, this is a fabulous idea. I love seeing my word count tick up each day, and the story is really coming together. I’m still aiming for that July 1 deadline (and then I promise to stop being so damned secretive about this project and let you know what it’s about).

3. We’re going to Europe this fall. It’s official. Well, as official as you can be when you haven’t booked anything yet. It should be booked by the end of the week (hopefully). I can’t freaking wait. It’s been SIX YEARS since I was in London. SIX YEARS! Inexcusable!

4. My 19-month-old daughter isn’t eating. It is a knock-down-drag-out battle to get her to eat anything. I always swore I would never be one of those moms who uses bribery and trickery to get their kids to eat, but guess who spent 20 solid minutes blowing Dora the Explorer bubbles in her kid’s face as she sat in her high chair (not) eating a PB&J? Oh, that’s right. This girl. C’mon, Roo, take a bite and I’ll blow the bubbles again. *le sigh* Moms out there, any advice?

5. I need to buy a new purse. This is not really all that interesting, but it is weighing on my mind a lot so I thought I’d throw it out there.

Now it’s your turn, friends. What have you been up to? Any fun trips planned? Have you read any books lately that have blown you away? Any news, publishing-related or not?

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