B is for … well, a lot of things, actually

Break. Oh hey, look at that, I went and took about a month’s hiatus and didn’t tell anyone. Sorry about that. I honestly wasn’t planning on taking such a break from the blog, but then things happened and life got just sort of got away from me for quite a while. What sorts of things? Here, have some more B words.

Baby. Yep, I’m having another one! I actually found out I was pregnant the day I went on sub with THE EIGHTH GUARDIAN, so … that day was pretty crazy. And I know a baby alone doesn’t justify a complete lack of radio silence on my part, except that, for me, when there are babies involved, B also stands for …

Barfing. Sorry, is that gross? I’ll spare the gory details, but suffice it to say I don’t have easy pregnancies, at least early on. This time around, I was okay for the first week or so, but then it all went downhill very quickly. There were days I didn’t keep anything down. Consecutive days. There were plenty of days I couldn’t even get out of bed. (Seriously, without my mother and mother-in-law, who came over and helped me just about every day, I never would have gotten through this). In the midst of this illness, everything sort of fell by the wayside. I stopped reading blogs, I disappeared from Facebook and Twitter, I certainly put updating this blog low on my list of priorities. And while all this was going on, I was also dealing with …

Building contractors. Well, pool contractors, more specifically, but “pool” doesn’t start with a B. *shakes fist at Universe* When we first bought our house, we knew we wanted to put in a pool some day, when the timing was right. And the perfect time turned out to be when I was so sick that I couldn’t even walk past my kitchen pantry without gagging. I had no idea how time consuming (not to mention stressful) hiring a contractor was, which just seems really naive looking back on it now. Anyway, we are only a few shorts weeks away from my backyard being under major construction. Fun!

Books. If there’s any good that came of the month of May, it’s that I read books while holed up in bed. A lot of them. I re-read the entire Harry Potter series for the heck of it, and then I also read some George R.R. Martin, and at the end of the day, it turns out I read nearly 1.4 million words in May. I don’t think I will ever top this. Like, EVER.

But now I am BACK and I have a bunch of things planned for the upcoming weeks. Are you excited? I’m excited.

Now you tell me! What have you been up to? Bonus points if you use B words. 😉

Posted in Miscellany

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