Updates. In bullet points. Because who doesn’t love bullet points?

Oh hey, I just finished revising a chapter, and my baby is stirring, so I have like 3 minutes. Literally. 3 minutes, tops. So here’s a post and run on what I’ve been up to.

  • MY BOOK HAS A RELEASE DATE! *flaaaaaaaails* February 25, 2014! Mark your calendars. Or just add it on Goodreads. You know, whatever you want to do.
  • I have a Facebook author page! If you like it, I’ll be your best friend. (I’m good at making friendship bracelets.)
  • I’ve finished a first draft of Annum Guard, Book 2 (which I think has a title but which I can’t reveal yet). As you can probably guess based on my writing process, this draft is . . . not very good.
  • I feel like I have no time to do anything. The era of I-don’t-really-feel-like-doing-this-today;let’s-see-what’s-on-Bravo has come to a close, and the era of you’re-getting-paid-to-do-this-so-stop-dicking-around has dawned, my friends. I’m coming up on a deadline to get a draft to my wonderful editor, and my free time has gotten whittled away to next to nothing, which, you know, is kind of a problem. So I hired a babysitter for the summer so I can work on making Book 2 something I would actually let other people read without cringing. This is the best money I’ve ever spent.

Let’s end on a good note.

  • THE EIGHTH GUARDIAN has jacket copy! And is presently going through cover design. Crazycakes. I can’t wait until I get to share all of it with you. Soooooooon! 

Enough about me. What are you working on now?


Posted in Writing, Writing Life

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