THE EIGHTH GUARDIAN is available for preorder! Also, author photos! And general updates!

So there I was, trolling Amazon on Sunday night while I was supposed to be revising, and I decided to type THE EIGHTH GUARDIAN into the search bar to see what happened. And then I got a hit. I reacted very much like this.

Because OMG, THE EIGHTH GUARDIAN is available for preorder!!! You can do so here if you’re so inclined.

Next item of news is that I got new author photos taken. If you recall, I got my initial pictures (which are still floating around on this website) taken when I was seven months pregnant. This was not the smartest idea I’ve had because I’ve heard over and over and over again that they don’t really look like me. So I sent off a frantic email to my editor, asking if I had time to retake them, and the good folks at Skyscape graciously agreed. So I did, and here’s my new photo, once again taken by my crazy talented photographer friend Stacey Brandon.

Meredith McCardle headshot

Other things that are keeping me crazy busy:

  • A website redesign. To WordPress or to Squarespace? To hire a designer or attempt it myself? To keep a blog as is or move to Tumblr? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
  • A full-scale revision of Annum Guard book 2. You guys. YOU GUYS. Writing book 2 is perhaps the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’ll be able to talk about it more in the future, but suffice it to say this book has caused me SERE-training levels of stress and anxiety.
  • Life with two young kids. When I was pregnant with Baby Dos, I really honestly thought I’d still have a lot of free time to write and keep up a website and stay active on social media and HAHAHAHA. I was delusional. I take a shower every day, and that’s like my biggest accomplishment.

What’s been keeping you busy these days? 

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