What books were you obsessed with as a kid?
I love this question. Love it. I was definitely a book obsessed child, that’s for sure. So, in no particular order, here are books I couldn’t get enough of.
Yeah, I guess I was kidding about the “no particular order” thing. Because on any list, Anne of Green Gables is going to be number one. Anne Shirley was everything I wanted to be. Tough, spunky, eternally optimistic, romantic. And she was a fellow redhead to boot. I owned and read every single book in the series, many times over, and damn if I didn’t wear out my VHS copies of the movies. I grew up wanting to be Anne, right down to the puffed sleeves. Fortunately, I was child of the 80s so those were readily available.
Was there anyone cooler than Nancy Drew? I read my first Nancy Drew mystery, a gift from my Nancy-loving mother, when I was in the third grade, and from then on I was hooked. I want to say I read every one of them, and then I recoiled in horror when a friend let me borrow one of her Nancy Drew Files books, from the series reimagining Nancy as a teen in the late 80s. Because Nancy? She does not cajole with Ned in a hot tub while wearing a ruffled bikini. She just doesn’t do those things, my friends.
(I might be making up the ruffled bikini thing. But there was definitely a hot tub involved).
What about you? Were you as in love with any of these as I was? What was on your list?
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